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Tianjin school kid sends a letter to Wuhan

My dear little friends in Wuhan,

I am a second grader from Tianjin.

This year's Spring Festival is different from any of the previous ones. What my mom says most frequently is "go wash your hands!" instead of "happy new year". My dad promised to take me to see pandas, but canceled my long-awaited trip three days before departure. When I was so depressed, my parents told me that there are brave kids in another city who are trying to go forward by overcoming their fears, loneliness and difficulties. Later I saw the news about Wuhan on TV, and I knew you are those brave children and I should give thumbs to you and learn from you!

What I want to tell you is that the containment can prevent the virus but it cannot keep away our concern and care for you. Grandpa Xi is giving commands; Grandpa Li joined you in Wuhan; scientists are developing antibodies to the virus; doctors and nurses are rushing to your place; factories are running day and night to produce drugs and protective masks; workers are working around the clock on the construction site of the Huoshenshan and Leishenshan hospitals which will be completed soon...All this is showing the "China speed" to the world! Everything is going to be fine! Everything is going to be better and better!

Dear friends, we are going through a cold winter together, but after winter will come spring, At that time, I will go to Wuhan to see the Yangtze River Bridge and the Yellow Crane Tower in Li Bai's poem, and have a bowl of hot dry noodles... I will also invite you to come to Tianjin and show you around Wudadao. I will take you to see different bridges and try various local dishes, such as Goubuli Steamed Buns, Shibajie Dough Twists, Erguoyan Fried Cake, Jianbingguozi and ...”

My dear friends, I wish you all the best! We are always with you!

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