【结好时间】天津市与新西兰惠灵顿市于 2011 年 7 月 22 日正式建立友城关系。
【城市特色】惠灵顿市地处新西兰地理中心,是新西兰首都,全国第二大城市。是新西兰政治、文化和主要商业中心。惠灵顿有皇家学会、维多利亚大学、电影制片公司、植物园、动物园和各类博物馆,旅游业发达。惠灵顿位于地震带上,1855 年曾发生一次强烈地震,防震、抗震的技术和措施在当地受到高度的重视。
【Established Date】The friendship-city relations between Tianjin and Wellington were officially established on July 22, 2011.
【City Characteristics】Wellington is the geographical center of New Zealand, the nation's capital and the second largest city in the country. As the political, cultural and commercial center of the country, Wellington is home to the Royal Society of New Zealand, Victoria University of Wellington as well as many film studios, botanical gardens, zoos and museums, which give the city a booming tourism. The city is located on an earthquake belt. A serious earthquake hit Wellington in 1855, after which measures for earthquake prevention and resistance were highlighted by the local government.
【Cooperation Fields】Tianjin and Wellington have carried out exchanges and cooperation in earthquake prevention and disaster reduction, film-television-animation, culture, agriculture and livestock industry.