【结好时间】天津市与美国休斯敦市于 1993年 11 月 8 日建立友好交流与合作关系。
【城市特色】休斯敦市位于美国得克萨斯州东南沿海,是得州第一大都市、全美最大的石油工业中心和第三大港 ( 仅次于新奥尔良港和纽约港 ),还是美国的宇航中心和医疗科研中心。
【Established Date】The friendly exchange and cooperation relations between Tianjin and Houston were officially established on November 8, 1993.
【City Characteristics】Houston is located on the southeast coast of Texas. It is the largest city in Texas, a center of America's oil industry and the third biggest port after the Port of New Orleans and the Port of New York. Houston is the astronautics center of America and also a center for medical research