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Bilingual | 天津市对外友协理事单位巡礼——天津市文化旅游摄影协会



协会成立以来,先后开展了多项文化摄影主题活动。2016年至2017年,先后在美国洛杉矶、费城、哈佛大学举办了《美丽天津》摄影作品展;2018年在泰国曼谷中国文化中心举办《美丽天津》摄影作品展;2019年在天津美术馆举办《丝路津韵之花开天际国际交流采风作品展》;2011年在蒙古国乌兰巴托市中国文化中心举办了中蒙摄影家作品联展2020年和2021年先后在天津滨海新区美术馆和国家会展中心(天津)举办了两届天津国际摄影周。国际摄联主席布西和著名马格南图片社副社长久保田博二先生先后发来贺电,祝贺2021天津国际摄影周取得圆满成功;202112月,协会与天津市人民对外友好协会合作主办了庆祝中国土耳其建交50周年/天津伊斯密尔友好城市签约30周年,“ 海河丝路情天津伊兹密尔摄影图片交流展。协会先后和法国、泰国、毛里求斯、越南、韩国、柬埔寨、蒙古国、立陶宛、俄罗斯、美国、摩洛哥、日本、巴巴多斯等国摄影家和摄影组织开展文化交流活动。



Publicity Show of the Council Members of Tianjin People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries——Tianjin Culture & Tourism Photography Association

I. About Association

Tianjin Culture & Tourism Photography Association was established on November 29, 2018 and became a local organization member unit (ILFIAP) of the International Photographic Art Alliance (FIAP) on August 19, 2019. The Association is a voluntary industrial and non-profit social organization composed of photographers and photography enthusiasts engaged in culture and tourism business in Tianjin. Relying on the professional photography art, the Association has played a role as bridge to promote the prosperity and development of culture and tourism photography in Tianjin, and contributed to the development of Tianjin's folk diplomacy, culture and tourism.

II. International Exchanges and Cooperation

Since its establishment, the Association has carried out a number of cultural photography activities. From 2016 to 2017, the photography exhibition themed "Beautiful Tianjin" was held in Los Angeles, Philadelphia and Harvard University, USA; In 2018, the photography exhibition themed "Beautiful Tianjin" was held at the Chinese cultural center in Bangkok, Thailand; In 2019,  the "Blooming the Charm of the Silk Road - International Exchange and Style Collection Works Exhibition" was held at Tianjin Art Museum ; In 2011, the "Joint Exhibition of Chinese and Mongolian Photographers' Works" was held at the Chinese cultural center in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia; In 2020 and 2021, two sessions of "Tianjin International Photography Week" were held in Tianjin Binhai New Area Art Museum and National Convention and Exhibition Center (Tianjin). Riccardo Busi, President of the International Photography Federation, and Mr. Kubota, Vice President of the famous Magnum Photo Agency, successively sent congratulatory messages to congratulate the success of the 2021 "Tianjin International Photography Week"; In December 2021, the association, in cooperation with Tianjin People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, hosted the Tianjin Izmir Photo Exchange Exhibition to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Turkey / the 30th anniversary of sister city relationship of Tianjin and Izmir. The Association has carried out cultural exchange activities with photographers and photographic organizations in France, Thailand, Mauritius, Vietnam, South Korea, Cambodia, Mongolia, Lithuania, Russia, the United States, Morocco, Japan and Barbados. 

III. About Council Member’s Representative

Duan Tiejun, male, President of Tianjin Culture & Tourism Photography Association, Art Director of Tianjin International Photography Week. He has visited a number of countries, held photography exhibitions and carried out cultural exchanges with foreign countries. In October, 2020, a large-scale special album donation ceremony for Silk Road Imprint - the collection of Duan's photographic works on cultural exchange with countries along "the Belt and Road" was held at Tianjin Museum.

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