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Bilingual | 天津市对外友协理事单位巡礼——天津市排球运动协会




Incorporated in 1952 in Tianjin Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau, Tianjin Volleyball Association is a professional and non-profit social organization comprised of volleyball players. The Association is committed to popularizing volleyball in Tianjin, working hard to train excellent reserve sports talent, and promoting the vigorous development of volleyball across Tianjin. It organizes members to carry out popularization, strives to facilitate implementation of the "National Fitness Program", and motivates more people to involve in volleyball. It is engaged in creating sports events of the Tianjin brand, giving full play to the role of sports events, and prospering the sports competition market, to promote the development of Tianjin's sports industry. Moreover, it actively carries out exchanges and communication with associations of other provinces (cities). While publicizing volleyball projects, it strives for support and help from society to enhance its development vitality.



    Foreign Exchanges and Cooperation


In July 2019, Tianjin women's volleyball team went to Italy for training and exchange and participated in 10 exchange competitions. They had in-depth exchanges with European excellent volleyball clubs to learn advanced training methods. In the same year, the women's volleyball team of the University of Nebraska visited Tuanbo Sports Center for a three-day exchange with Tianjin women's volleyball team.


Introduction to the Association Representative

李珊,女,天津市排球运动协会会长,多次被天津市妇女联合会授予“天津市‘三八’红旗手”称号;先后荣获中华人民共和国体育运动荣誉奖章、中国青年五四杰出贡献奖章、天津市“五一”劳动奖章、“九五”立功奖章等,以及“全国群众体育工作先进个人”“‘十五’立功先进个人”“天津市特等劳动模范” “天津市新长征突击手”等荣誉称号。

Li Shan is the president of the Tianjin Volleyball Association. She has been awarded the title of "Tianjin March 8th Red Banner Pacesetter" by Tianjin Women's Federation many times. She has won the Sports Medal of Honor of the People's Republic of China, the May 4 Youth Medal for Outstanding Contribution, the May 1 Labor Medal of Tianjin, the Meritorious Service Medal of the Ninth Five-Year Plan (1996–2000), and other honorary titles such as "National Advanced Individual for Mass Sports Work", "Advanced Individual for Meritorious Service in Tenth Five-Year Plan (2001–2005)", "Tianjin Special Labor Model", and "Tianjin New Long March Vanguard".

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