Founded in 1992, Tianjin Meat Industry Association is an industry-oriented and non-profit social organization approved by the Tianjin Administration Bureau of Social Organizations and comprised of voluntary enterprises, public institutions, social organizations, and individuals engaged in the meat business. The Association has 290 members with business covering all links of the industry, such as chain livestock breeding, livestock and poultry slaughtering, meat processing, cold chain logistics, meat sales, international trade and machinery and equipment, meat ingredients, and packaging materials. With the principle of serving all members, the industrial development, and people in need of meat, the Association plays an active part in industrial governance and development, makes intensive international visits and exchanges, follows government policies and governance, and addresses members' difficulties and demands, so as to ensure meat safety for people.
协会自2018年换届以来,立足天津口岸肉类贸易的优势地位,推动京津冀协同发展,积极促进肉类行业对外交往交流合作,坚持“请进来” “走出去”,多方位组织对外交流。组织国内外行业学术交流与研讨。为扩大天津肉类贸易的影响与效应,把握国际肉类发展的现状与未来发展,协会每年组织“肉类进口贸易发展趋势前瞻与分析高峰论坛”,邀请肉类主要出口国农业参赞、国内外行业专家、国内外肉类协会同行及肉类食品经销商共聚一堂,围绕行业发展热点和难点问题进行深入探讨,为国内外肉类行业发展与协调寻找对策。“2019年肉类进口贸易发展趋势前瞻与分析高峰论坛”在天津梅江会展中心成功举行, 来自法国、芬兰、乌拉圭、英国及美国肉类协会、澳洲肉类协会、法国猪业联盟等外国行业促进机构,中国肉类协会、中国食品土畜进出口商会、各省市肉类协会等相关行业协会组织、行业专家和双汇、首农、恒朝国际、亚东国际等知名企业代表共约300人参会。“2021肉类进口贸易发展趋势前瞻与分析高峰论坛”围绕疫情后时代“双循环”背景下的国际肉类发展机遇与挑战和助力天津市国际消费中心城市建设进行了深入探讨。
Since the change of office term in 2018, the Association has given full play to the dominant position of the Port of Tianjin for the meat trade, which has promoted the coordinated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region. It has made active efforts to facilitate foreign exchanges and cooperation in the meat industry, invite overseas superior resources while making quality Chinese resources go global, and organize foreign exchanges in various dimensions and academic exchanges and seminars between domestic and foreign industries. To enlarge the influence and effect of Tianjin's meat trade and grasp the status quo and future development of the international meat industry, the Association organizes the annual Summit Forum on the Development Trend of Meat Import Trade (Forum for short), inviting agricultural counselors of major meat exporting countries, and Chinese and foreign industry experts, counterparts, and meat distributors to have in-depth discussions around the hot and difficult issues of the industry development, so as to find relevant countermeasures. The 2019 Forum, which was held in Tianjin Meijiang Convention and Exhibition Center, was attended by about 300 guests from meat associations of France, Finland, Uruguay, the United Kingdom, and the United States, and Meat & Livestock Australia, French Interprofessional Pork Council (INAPORC), China Meat Association, China Chamber of Commerce of Import & Export of Foodstuffs, Native Produce & Animal By-Products, meat associations of Chinese provinces/cities, industry experts and famous enterprises including Shuanghui, Beijing Capital Agribusiness & Food Group, Hengchao International, and ADP Tianjin International Transportation Co., Ltd. It organized in-depth discussions on the opportunities and challenges of international meat development under the background of "dual circulation" in the post-pandemic era and on facilitating the development of Tianjin as an international consumption center city.
The Association is committed to enhancing exchanges and visits with relevant foreign representatives and organizations to promote mutual understanding and cooperation. In 2020, Christopher Bielecki, deputy director of the Agricultural Trade Office of the United States Department of Agriculture, and his delegation visited the Association to exchange views on meat trade and cooperation with the United States. In July 2021, with the support of the Foreign Affairs Office of Tianjin Municipal People's Government, Lan Jin, president of the Oregon China Council, visited the Association to have in-depth exchanges on the meat trade in the United States and the exchange of visits and cooperation with American meat industry associations and meat factories. To ensure the access of Mongolian beef and other meat products to Tianjin, the Association signed a strategic cooperation agreement with the Mongolia General Chamber of Commerce in China (Tianjin). In addition, the Association organizes members to visit Germany, Denmark, Brazil, and other countries, and invites foreign suppliers to visit Chinese enterprises to further foster mutual understanding and trust. It makes full use of various platforms and resources to strengthen international cooperation. For example, it organizes members to participate in large exhibitions including China International Import Expo, SIAL China, and China International Meat Industry Week.
邢艳玲,1981年11月出生,河北邯郸人,中国民主同盟盟员,天津市河东区第十六届政协委员,天津市肉类协会会长,天津恒朝国际贸易有限公司董事长。2019年11月,获民盟河东区委员会 “社会服务工作先进个人”称号。2020年7月,获民盟河东区委员会“抗击新冠肺炎疫情工作先进个人”称号。
Xing Yanling, born in November 1981 in Handan, Hebei Province, is a member of the China Democratic League, a member of the 16th CPPCC Committee of Hedong District, Tianjin, president of Tianjin Meat Industry Association, and chairperson of Tianjin Hengchao International Trade Co., Ltd. Xing was awarded the title of "Advanced Individual in Social Service" by the Hedong District Committee of the China Democratic League in November 2019 and the title of "Advanced Individual in Fight Against COVID-19" by the same organization in July 2020.