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33 Policy Incentives by Tianjin for Economic Improvement in Q1

To fully implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, conscientiously put into practice the deployment of the Central Economic Work Conference and the requirements of the Tianjin Municipal Economic Work Conference, and boost confidence in development with full efforts, Tianjin introduces 33 policy measures in nine aspects today, to facilitate a good start to the city's economic operation in the first quarter and the overall improvement throughout the year, achieving effective improvement in quality and reasonable growth in quantity.  

I. Further stabilize growth and expand investment

1. Optimize and improve the coordination mechanism of important projects for effective investment, and coordinate all kinds of factor resources such as land, energy, and environmental assessment.We will strengthen the docking between banks and enterprises, and continue to promote and speed up the construction of key projects that have been started, forming more physical workload. (Responsible units: Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Municipal Bureau of Planning and Resources, Municipal Bureau of Ecology and Environment, Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Commission, Municipal Transportation Commission, Municipal Bureau of Financial Institutions, Tianjin Branch of the People's Bank of China, Tianjin Banking and Insurance Regulatory Bureau, Municipal Bureau of Finance, and other relevant departments, the People's Government of each district)

2. Implement one-stop approval, accelerate and be skillful at pre-project work, and launch all the projects that should and could be launched. We will regularly hold on-site observations of major projects to create a strong atmosphere of "competing with and learning from each other" in carrying out projects and “striving to take the lead” in promoting development. Each quarter, we will organize a collective launching of new projects. More than 200 new projects will be started in the first quarter, with a total investment of more than 200 billion yuan.(Responsible units: Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Municipal Bureau of Planning and Resources, Municipal Bureau of Ecology and Environment,  and other relevant departments, the People's Government of each district)

3. Promote the speedy building of policy and development financial instrument projects that have been funded and the use of the capital, and strive to form a cumulative physical workload of more than 15 billion yuan during the year. We will organize and carry out the planning and reserve of policy funding projects such as policy and developmental financial instruments and equipment upgrading loans.(Responsible units: Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Municipal Bureau of Planning and Resources, Municipal Bureau of Finance, Tianjin Branch of the People's Bank of China, Municipal Bureau of Finance)

4. Incentives will be given to newly introduced domestic and foreign capital projects with an actual amount of 100 million yuan and above, and annual fixed asset investment of 50 million yuan and above, in proportion to the fixed asset investment (except residential real estate projects).(Responsible unit: Municipal Office of Cooperation and Exchanges, the Municipal Bureau of Commerce, and the People's Government of each district)

5. Vigorously inviting businesses in various ways such as targeted invitations, entrusted invitations, and invitations with business and capital.We will give full play to the advantages of various industrial funds, the Tianjin Chamber of Commerce, alumni associations, trade associations, entrepreneur federations, and other resources, and regularly plan and carry out forums, salons, and other investment promotion activities. We will encourage the formation of professional investment-inviting teams through market-based recruitment and other means, and attract and train a group of professionals with international vision, fluent in multiple languages, and familiar with economic and trade rules.(Responsible unit: Municipal Office of Cooperation and Exchanges, the Municipal Bureau of Commerce, and the People's Government of each district)

II. Further Improve the Quality and Quantity of Consumption 

6. Launch 2023 Tianjin Consumption Year.We will properly organize the placement of over 100 million yuan of "Jin Le Shopping" consumption vouchers, promote the construction of landmark shopping areas with an emphasis on Golden Street, and accelerate the construction of large commercial facilities such as Heping Impression City, Hexi Huangyu City, and Beichen Wangfujing. In addition, we will promote the experience of Florence Town, a national model of smart shopping district building, and promote the development of the first store and the first issue economy.(Responsible unit: the Municipal Bureau of Commerce)

7. We will hold the 2023 China (Tianjin) International Automobile Exhibition, carry out a series of promotional activities such as promoting new energy vehicles to the countryside, and add 5,000 parking spaces and 2,000 public charging piles in 2023. We will continue to implement the vehicle purchase tax and vehicle tax exemption policy for eligible new energy vehicles. We will provide 35,000 more quotas for individuals to purchase cars through the lottery.  (Responsible units: Municipal Bureau of Commerce, Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Municipal Urban Management Commission, Municipal Transportation Commission, and Municipal Taxation Bureau)

8. Accelerate the recovery and development of tourism.We will actively encourage travel agencies to replace tourism service quality deposits with insurance, and continue to implement the policy of 100% temporary refunding of the tourism service quality deposit. We will launch 20 high-quality tourism routes, support the development of weekend tour products and overnight group tours in Tianjin designed by travel agencies, and the in-depth development of the market for short-distance tours to Beijing and Hebei and multi-category weekend tour products. We will make full use of the special funds for cultural tourism promotion to implement the activity of the "brilliance of Tianjin” to display the cultural tourism image of the city and create the Tianjin Brand cultural tourism projects. We will stage the scenarios of the integration of culture, business, and tourism, and support the building of “time-honored brand” collection stores in physical commerce.(Responsible unit: Municipal Culture and Tourism Bureau, Tianjin Banking and Insurance Regulatory Bureau, and Municipal Bureau of Commerce)

9. Strengthen the construction of venues and facilities for fitness for all. In 2023, we will build a new 15 km "Blue Ribbon of the Haihe River" bicycle riding path. We will stage a series of high-end sports events, such as the cycling race around Tuanbo Lake, the Haihe River International Marathon, and the Ninth National Snow and Ice Carnival. We will continue to promote the high-quality development of the sports industry and hold the Sixth Sports Tourism Conference in Tianjin, China.(Responsible unit: Municipal Sports Bureau)

III. Further Support Modern Industry

10. We will give support of up to 50 million yuan to the new round of industrial technology renovation and investment projects that promote intelligent, high-end, green, digital, and low-carbon development and increase production capacity in accordance with the amount of investment in equipment, software and hardware tools, etc., after the project is completed and put into operation.(Responsible unit: Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, Municipal Bureau of Finance, the People's Government of each district)

11. We will reward IC design enterprises whose annual sales revenue exceeds 100 million yuan for the first time, and IC manufacturing, packaging and testing, and material enterprises whose annual sales revenue exceeds 1 billion yuan for the first time, respectively, in accordance with certain standards of grading and classifications.(Responsible unit: Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, Municipal Bureau of Finance, the People's Government of each district)

12. We will reward the Tianjin-based enterprises that have been listed as China's Top   100 Competitive Enterprises in Electronic Information and China's Top 100 Enterprises in Comprehensive Internet Strength for the first time in accordance with certain standards of grading and classification.(Responsible unit: Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, Municipal Bureau of Finance)

13. The establishment of special municipal funds to support the development of the platform economy. We will reward the relevant districts and development zones based on merit according to the work carried out by each district and the development zones of the Binhai New Area in attracting and nurturing key enterprises, platform economy development, and regional economy. We will coordinate the use of municipal policy funds, such as the fund to support regional high-quality development, to increase the support of each district for the development of the platform economy.(Responsible unit: Municipal Bureau of Finance, Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, Municipal Bureau of Commerce)

IV. Further Stabilize the Baseline of Foreign Trade and Foreign Investment

14. Formulate policies and measures to guide and support enterprises to develop international markets. We will organize enterprises to go to the Philippines (building materials and hardware exhibition), Vietnam, and Thailand (consumer goods exhibition) for exhibition and economic and trade docking activities. We will release the 2023 Guide for the Application of Import Projects Supported by Tianjin, promote the import of agricultural products and energy resources that are in short supply in China, and guide enterprises to develop import channels in countries along the "Belt and Road".(Responsible unit: Municipal Bureau of Commerce, Municipal Development and Reform Commission)

15. We will accelerate the construction of China (Tianjin) Comprehensive Pilot Zone for Cross-border E-commerce, speed up the iteration and upgrading of cross-border e-commerce, implement the "overseas warehouse + domestic container depot" model for cross-border e-commerce, implement the export tax rebate policy for overseas warehouses, and encourage enterprises to jointly build and share overseas warehouses. We will promote the pilot market procurement trade mode in Tianjin Wanglanzhuang International Trade City. We will accelerate the construction of comprehensive pilot projects for the further opening up of the service industry, and select one to two demonstration parks with mature conditions for the further opening up of the service industry and include them in the linkage innovation zone of the China (Tianjin) Pilot Free Trade Zone.(Responsible unit: Municipal Bureau of Commerce, Municipal Taxation Bureau)

16. Implement several measures to further encourage foreign investment in establishing R & D centers. Qualified R&D centers can enjoy the policy of exemption from import tariffs, VAT, and consumption tax on import links, etc. The period of implementation will end on December 31, 2025.(Responsible unit: Municipal Bureau of Commerce, Tianjin Customs)

V. Further Increase Financial and Tax Support

17. From January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023, small-scale VAT taxpayers with monthly sales of up to and including 100,000 yuan are exempt from VAT. VAT is levied at a reduced rate of 1% on the taxable sales income of small-scale VAT payers subject to a 3% levy rate. Prepayment of VAT items subject to a 3% prepayment rate is reduced to a 1% prepayment rate. Taxpayers in the production service industry shall be allowed to deduct their taxable amount by an additional 5% of the current deductible input tax. Taxpayers in the living service industry shall be allowed to deduct their taxable amount by an additional 10% of the current deductible input tax.(Responsible unit: Municipal Taxation Bureau)

18. Qualified venture capital enterprises and angel investment individuals who invest directly in technology-based start-ups by way of equity investment for two years are eligible to deduct taxable income at 70% of the investment amount. The period of implementation will end on December 31, 2023.(Responsible unit: Municipal Taxation Bureau)

19. Small-scale VAT taxpayers, small and micro-profit enterprises, and self-employed  businesses are eligible for a 50% reduction in resource tax (excluding water resource tax), urban maintenance and construction tax, property tax, urban land use tax, stamp duty (excluding stamp duty on securities transactions), arable land occupation tax and education surcharge and local education surcharge. The period of implementation will end on December 31, 2024.(Responsible unit: Municipal Taxation Bureau, Municipal Bureau of Finance)

20. We will continue to implement the two preferential policies on personal income tax and separate taxation of equity incentives for listed companies concerning the interoperability mechanism of Shanghai-Hong Kong and Shenzhen-Hong Kong stock market transactions and mutual recognition of funds between the Mainland and Hong Kong. The period of implementation will end on December 31, 2023.(Responsible unit: Municipal Taxation Bureau, Municipal Bureau of Finance)

21. Continue to implement the policy of differential tolling of highways.The specific international standard container trucks that are legally loaded through one of the five toll stations -- Yongding Xinhe Station and Lingang Station of the Haibin Expressway, Beitang Station of the Beijing-Tianjin Expressway, Tanggu Station of the Beijing-Tianjin-Tanggu Expressway, and Tanggu Station of the Jinjin Expressway -- and confirmed to be entering or leaving the Tianjin Port, and that meet the corresponding environmental emission standards, will be eligible to a 0 to 20% discount on tolls. The legally loaded trucks driving through the whole Tianjin section of the Beijing-Tianjin Expressway continue to enjoy the policy of a 35% discount on tolls. The period of implementation will end on January 1, 2025.(Responsible unit: Municipal Transportation Commission)

22. Taxpayers who meet the conditions of property tax and urban land use tax exemption for difficulties may apply for exemption from property tax and urban land use tax.(Responsible unit: Municipal Taxation Bureau)

VI. Further Promote Strong Financial Support for the Development of the Real Economy

23. Continue to make good use of the refinancing to support agriculture and small-scale enterprises and the financial tools to support carbon emission reduction.We will support structural monetary policy tools such as special refinancing loans for clean and efficient utilization of coal and refinancing loans for scientific and technological innovation, improve government-bank-enterprise docking and "white list" pushing mechanism, and strengthen monitoring and evaluation, regular notification and supervision to guide financial institutions to further increase support for agriculture, rural areas and farmers, small and micro enterprises, green development, scientific and technological innovation, and other key areas and weak links in a targeted and vigorous way. In addition, we will continue to increase medium- and long-term loans for manufacturing.(Responsible unit: People's Bank of China Tianjin Branch, Tianjin Banking and Insurance Regulatory Bureau, Municipal Bureau of Financial Institutions, Municipal Development and Reform Commission)

24. We will make full use of policy tools such as the inclusive small and micro loan support tools, build long-term mechanisms to ensure that financial institutions dare to lend, can lend, and are willing to and good at lending, promote inclusive small and micro loans to continue to "increase the amount, expand the scope, and reduce the cost”, and increase the first loan, credit loans to further alleviate the financing difficulties and expensive financing for private small and micro enterprises.(Responsible unit: People's Bank of China Tianjin Branch, Municipal Bureau of Financial Institutions, Tianjin Banking and Insurance Regulatory Bureau)

25. We will give full play to the role of the Tianjin node of the national comprehensive credit service platform for SME financing, share and collect 18 types of credit information such as registration of market entities, social security, tax payment, and intellectual property rights, and support financial institutions to provide credit financing services for small and medium-sized enterprises.(Responsible unit: Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Tianjin Banking and Insurance Regulatory Bureau, Municipal Bureau of Financial Institutions)

VII. Further Promote the Healthy Development of the Real Estate Market

26. Continue implementing policies to promote the virtuous cycle and healthy development of the real estate industry.We will continue to meet rigid and improved housing demand by increasing the points of residence permits for household registration, implementing differentiated housing credit policies, putting into practice personal income tax support policies for residents trading in their housing, and supporting the purchase of housing by families with members aged 60 and above and families with two or more children. The 2023 online housing fair will be held to promote the docking of housing supply and demand and facilitate people to select and purchase houses online.(Responsible units: Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Commission, Municipal Bureau of Planning and Resources, Municipal Taxation Bureau, Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Municipal Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security, the People's Government of each district)

27. Continuously enrich and improve the housing policy toolbox. We will adhere to district-specific policies to support the targeted implementation of differentiated real estate regulation and control policies in each district. A phased land transfer support policy will be implemented. We will optimize measures such as second-house identification criteria and housing transactions to encourage residents to "exchange small for large" and "sell the old to buy the new" to meet their reasonable housing needs with stronger and more targeted support. We will make good use of the national preferential mortgage interest rate policy, assess the changes in the sales price of new commercial residential houses every quarter, establish a dynamic adjustment mechanism for the interest rate policy for newly issued first-house loans, and continue to improve differentiated housing credit measures. We will put into practice the policy for housing provident fund loans to provide the maximum loan amount for eligible families with multiple children.(Responsible units: Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Commission, Tianjin Branch of the People's Bank of China, Tianjin Banking and Insurance Regulatory Bureau, Municipal Planning and Resources Bureau, Municipal Provident Fund Management Center, the People's Government of each district)

28. We will meet the reasonable financing needs of real estate enterprises, maintain the stable and orderly placement of real estate development loans, support the reasonable financing needs of real estate projects and participating enterprises and material supply enterprises, and maintain continuous and stable financing for real estate upstream and downstream enterprises to ensure the construction of the projects. We will implement the rolling-over policy for stock financing such as real estate development loans and trust loans to help enterprises ease the pressure of short-term debt servicing. We will make good use of the national special borrowing support policy, encourage commercial banks to increase the new supporting loans, and make every effort to promote and speed up the construction of the "guaranteed delivery of housing" project to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the people who purchase houses.(Responsible units: Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Commission, Tianjin Branch of the People's Bank of China, Tianjin Banking and Insurance Regulatory Bureau, Municipal Bureau Financial Institutions, the People's Government of each district)

29. We will explore new modes of real estate development, make full use of housing rental policies, acquire high-quality projects, revitalize the stock of unused assets, and expand the supply of affordable rental housing long-term rental housing to meet the needs of various groups.(Responsible units: Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Commission, Municipal Bureau of Finance, Municipal Bureau Financial Institutions, Municipal State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, Tianjin Branch of the People's Bank of China, Tianjin Banking and Insurance Regulatory Bureau, Municipal Planning and Resources Bureau, the People's Government of each district)

30. We will continue to improve the housing security system, and explore new modes of public rental housing operation and management through franchising and other means. We will raise affordable rental housing through multiple channels, implement the development plan of affordable rental housing, and raise 8,500 sets (rooms) of housing within the year. In addition, we will explore the development of common property rights housing, and actively promote the conversion of vacant affordable housing into common property rights housing to continuously meet the multi-level housing needs of the public.(Responsible unit: Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Commission, Municipal Planning and Resources Bureau, Municipal Bureau of Finance, Municipal Development and Reform Commission, the People's Government of each district)

VIII. Further Strengthen the Policy of Assisting Enterprises to Stabilize Jobs and Ensure Employment

31. In accordance with the national deployment, we will implement the policy of phased reduction of the unemployment insurance premium rate to 1%, with a 0.5% contribution rate for both employers and employees, to reduce the cost of unemployment insurance paid by employers. A one-time employment subsidy is given to eligible enterprises for providing employment.(Responsible unit: Municipal Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security)

32. We will organize the city's public employment service agencies at all levels to collect and release information on the shortage of workers in enterprises in a timely manner, carry out recruitment activities, and build a docking service platform according to the needs. We will continue to carry out the action of serving unemployed graduates and establish a real name system to help them find a job. For the 2023 college graduates, we will increase job supply, hold no less than 5 municipal-level recruitment activities every quarter, and carry out the special action of "university Party secretary and principal visiting enterprises to promote employment".For the employment of migrant workers, we will carry out various employment promotion activities and strive to realize the promise of "supporting employment, guaranteeing jobs, and enhancing satisfaction".(Responsible unit: Municipal Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security, Municipal Education Commission, Municipal Commission of Agriculture and Rural Affairs)

IX.Integrate COVID-19 Prevention and Control and Economic and Social Development

33. We will introduce the 2023 Implementation Plan of Tianjin for Class B Controlling of COVID-19 as a Category B Infectious Disease, develop specific prevention and control implementation plans for different sectors, and continue to improve the "1 + N" policy system. We will do a good job of material allocation and guarantee to ensure that the drug is accurately placed in 3 channels: offline in pharmacies, online via the internet, and e-commerce platforms. We will treat patients with novel coronavirus infection in a graded and classified manner to ensure a smooth transition of the pandemic for the better.(Responsible unit: Municipal COVID-19 Prevention and Control Command)

The above policy measures shall be implemented from the date of release and shall be valid until December 31, 2023. For the measures in this document and the relevant documents issued by the state and the city with clear deadlines, we will observe the deadlines specified in the documents. We will fully implement the relevant support policies introduced by the state to support market players in accordance with the principle of selecting the best projects and avoiding repetitive construction. Districts and departments must promptly develop specific implementation details, strengthen the publicity and interpretation, and promote the full and effective implementation of the policy measures to the grassroots level and benefit market players.

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